What is Writing?

Writing is recorded thought. Think better- write better.
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Friday, August 10, 2018

The Power of the Written Word

Two people can write about the same topic, include all the same facts and figures, and basically get all the same points across to the reader. Yet only one’s writing may stand out, imploring the reader to read the words again, and then just stick in the reader’s mind. A good writer, a powerful writer, develops a reputation. Others will ask that person to write things for them. How can one become that powerful writer? Does today's typical college assembly-line essay process work toward that goal?

The “writing process” is a very individualized skill or talent. Writing skills are better developed than taught. An instructor can lead a student to improved writing better than teach him/her to write. Simply telling or instructing a student to write a certain way deprives the student of any creativity. The student would be better served by nurturing guidance, and by being asked to reread, to find faults, errors, and weaknesses on his or her own. The writing process, as I see it, is a development, starting with the definition of a task, followed by appropriate research, organization, invention, and meta-thinking. Stop trying to think like a writer; instead, write like a thinker!

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