What is Writing?

Writing is recorded thought. Think better- write better.
If there is a topic you'd like covered, leave it in the comments.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Importance of Re-Vision

I've often contemplated this whole idea of writing as a recursive process, and thought I might be able to share something of value. Like many of you, I am a revise as I go type of writer. My work evolves, morphing into the finished product. I used to think this way was unnatural, that I must be doing something wrong, because my teachers were so intent on submitting rough drafts. But then a professor and mentor of mine told me something that forever changed the way I think about revision. She said that we should stop worrying about revising, and concentrate more on revision-ing. Forget "revision", and just re-vision! Thinking about it that way, I realized that my vision changes as I write, that I need to revisit what has already been written to make sure it is still a part of the new (re-)vision.
I would never tell students that they must draft a certain way- we're all different, with different styles and different "visions". In Comp I, the primary goals, at least the way I see it, are to focus your vision, build your confidence, and find a comfort level. Writing is nothing more than recorded thought. If you can think, you can write. And... if you learn to think more effectively, you'll also write more effectively.